Pendulum + Sonic Colors - Aquarium Fountain (Mashup)

from Mashups by Dave Eddy

  • Pendulum + Sonic Colors - Aquarium Fountain (Mashup) 4:41
    [FLAC ] [mp3 ]

I decided to make this mashup after a comment from CerberusProject on my Pendulum + Feint mashup video from 2 years ago. I listened to the original mashup and really liked the way it sounded, but the audio quality could definitely be improved upon.

After making this mashup however, I have to say it was rather difficult to make it sound "good". The songs, even though they are very similar, don't really flow together like most songs that I have mashed up in the past. I honestly don't know why - I think a lot of it might be the drum tracks. Either way, here enjoy the mashup!

The comment on YouTube.

Released March 30, 2019.

This music is completely free to play and download as much as you like.

Price: $0.00
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Pendulum + Sonic Colors - Aquarium Fountain (Mashup)